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Admission to Reception
If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 they will start reception in September in 2024. Read more about primary school admissions in the London Borough of Barnet
Key dates for your application
- Applications open 1 September 2023
- Deadline for applications 15 January 2024
- School place offers (National Offer Day) 16 April 2024
Admissions to Reception class are dealt with by the London Borough of Barnet. Follow the link for further information about the application process.
Primary school admissions in Barnet
In year admissions
All in year admissions are dealt with by the London Borough of Barnet. Follow the link for further infromation.
Admissions to Pathways
Referrals for admission will come from the Local Authority. The maximum number of pupils will not exceed the agreed number of funded places by the Local Authority. Admitting children over this number would be incompatible with the efficient use of resources and education of others. Children will not be admitted if it would be unsuitable for their age, ability, aptitude or SEN needs. Siblings are not automatically admitted to the Pathways provision.
The referrals for admission are considered by the Head teacher and Pathways SENCo to ensure that the following criteria are met:
The child has an Educational and Health and Care Plan with a clear diagnosis of ASD
ASD is the primary need of the child and their learning difficulties are not a significant barrier to their performance
Pupil’s performance in English should indicate a potential to achieve within range of P7-Year 1 at KS1 and Year 1 and above at KS2
Formal and informal assessments indicate that pupils at a pre-school age are working within the ‘broadly average range’ of 22 to 36 months as assessed by the EY setting, e.g. making recognisable vocalisations paired with communicative intent; engagement with the environment; following simple instructions, engagement in imaginary play, display of joint attention, ability to focus attention to adult led tasks for short periods of time, initiating bids for interaction
The child has the potential to benefit from the flexible setting offered by a specialist provision within a mainstream school
The child has the potential to access the national curriculum at an age-appropriate level in some areas as to allow for integration into the main school in these areas
Parents/carers will accept that members of the school community will be aware of their child’s diagnosis
The child with appropriate support, has the potential to conform with the behaviour standards as expressed in the school’s Relationships Policy
Placement may be agreed if;
The school can meet the child’s needs
The parents are in agreement with the strategies used at the school, and are willing to support these by following them at home
There is no evidence of severe or complex learning difficulties in addition to autism.
There is a vacancy in the appropriate age group and the provision is not already full as agreed
It is compatible with the interests of other children already in the school
It is an efficient use of available resources, i.e. 1:1 support is not needed indefinitely
What is the Local Offer?
- Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and review information about educational provision available for children and young people with SEND under the Children and Families Bill. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’.
- The Local Offer should help parents and families know what they can reasonably expect from their local schools
- Barnet’s Local Offer can be found here
School Tours for prospective parents
We hold regular parent tours and would be delighted to show you around our school. To book into our prospective parent tour, please click the link below
Prospective Parent Tour Form for MainstreamProspective Parent Tour Form for Autistic Resource Provision Admission Criteria
The Elliot Foundation Trust (TEFAT) has now determined the admission policy for the academic year 2025/26.
Admission Policy 2025/26 The Elliot Foundation Trust (TEFAT) has now determined the admission policy for the academic year 2024/25.
Admissions Policy 2024/25 The Admissions process is often complex and can seem daunting to prospective parents. This is a brief guide to admissions for TEFAT Schools. To find out more information about our admissions policy, please click here.